
اهلا بكم في موقعنا الالكتروني عند مشعلاني للهجرة

انتم في المكان المناسب للحصول على افضل خدمة لتحقيق حلمكم في السفر الى كندا سواء  أكان للهجرة

اولتمضية العطلة

اذا كنتم تتكلمون احدى اللغتين الانكليزية او الفرنسية، رجاء املؤا الاستمارة الموجودة على الصفحة الخاصة

باللغة اللتي تختارونها اما اذا كنتم لا ترتاحون الا في التكلم باللغة العربية يمكنكم ارسال رسالة الكترونية لنا

:على العنوان التالي


تعلموننا فيها عن اليوم والوقت اللذي يناسبكم حتى تتصلوا بنا هاتفيا ، وذلك ضمن اوقات دوام مكتبنا الا


من الاثنين الى الجمعة 

ومن التاسعة صباحا حتى الخامسة بعد الظهر 


Why choose us?

Communication in your language.

We can communicate with you in 3 different languages:




Business &

You want to invest in Canada, or open a company or immigrate as a skilled worker? Choose the category in which you would like to apply as an immigrant is not an easy step, choose the right one could be crucial to the success of the immigration process,

We help you to find the correct category of immigration that is the best to you

We help you to plan your business in Canada and to get it successfully

We facilitate your landing in Canada as soon as possible and help you to plan your immigration

Skilled worker &
Star a new life.

You are looking to establish yourself in the beautiful country of Canada as an investor, Entrepreneur or skilled worker. Starting a new life in a new country is not easy.

We at Machaalani immigration, are the most qualified and well-rounded team to provide you with necessary advice and to aid you in initiating the processes.


You are looking to spend a vacation or visiting close ones, you are looking to come study or for any other reason,

We will help you to get a very good experience in your transfer from your origin country to your new country, Canada.